Days of Change

Day 1009 – Falling to Pieces

August 10, 2011

Low points have a way of changing to high points in a moment. If the election were held today, besides being surprised, voters would likely give Romney the presidency by at least 2 states. Of course, Jackass has never really won a race without using rules and bylaws to create a lopsided advantage for himself.

If the trend of unemployment since the Republican House of 2011 continues, the rate could be as low as 8% by election day. Austerity could improve our credit. What better way to get votes then to take away government programs then blame it on the Republicans?

The media is only in stage 3 of Obama grief / detox. They are bargaining. If there’s a perfect liberal primary challenger, (or Hillary Clinton) they swear they won’t do the same dumb thing. The real question is can they handle it if the choice is between Obama and Romney?

For now, I’m going to let the Obama fluffers fall apart on their own. They are still more foe than friend. Even if they lose the media, Obama plans on a billion dollars in ads to get the vote out. Let’s get him the hell out instead,

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